"When abortion is hidden, abortion is tolerated" http://www.abortionNO.org

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Doctors Formulate Prescription to Fix Broken Health Care System

Members of GOP Doctors Caucus include:

John Boozman,
Charles Boustany, M.D. (Cardiovascular Surgeon),
Michael Burgess, M.D.
Paul Broun, M.D.
Bill Cassidy, M.D. & Professor of Medicine
John Fleming,M.D.
Phil Gingrey,M.D.(PRO-LIFE, OB-GYN)
John Linder,(Dentist)
Tim Murphy, PhD (Child Psychologis)
Ron Paul, M.D. (OB-GYN)
Tom Price, M.D. (Orthopaedic Surgeon)

Phil Roe, M.D. (OB-GYN),
Mike Simpson(Dentist)

Rep. Fleming has offered a resolution (H.R. 615) that will offer members of Congress an opportunity to put their money where their mouth is, and urge their colleagues who vote for legislation creating a government-run health care plan (which they are curiosly exempt from) to lead by example and enroll themselves in the same public plan. Flemings rightly says,
"If Members of Congress believe so strongly that government-run health care is the best solution for hard working American families, I think it only fitting that Americans see them lead the way. Public servants should always be accountable and responsible for what they are advocating, and I challenge the American people to demand this from their representatives."

Tell Congress:
You First! If you vote for a Government-run Health Care plan, then, promise to use the plan!

Sign the Petition Today! visit: http://www.fleming.house.gov/

To date: 0 Dems and 60 Republicans have signed the resolution!

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B-Team Amateur Catholic Blogroll

Obama's Pro-Abortion Record

"I Am Personally Responsible for over 75,000 Abortions"

*This video was made during the campaign to ban abortion in South Dakota. Bernard Nathanson repented of his ways and has became Catholic.*

100% of funds raised go directly to Pro-Life efforts
Randall Terry, founder Operation Rescue, addresses the assassination of George Tiller. Mr. Terry urges the pro-life movement to not surrender words and actions under the heavy opposition from child killers and the Obama administration.

This is, by far, the BEST prayer book I have ever read!

This is, by far, the BEST prayer book I have ever read!
Not just a prayer book for teens...but for people of all ages! You will LOVE it! Order your copy TODAY!

Books for Children

  • Horton Hears a Who, by Dr. Seuss
  • The Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith, by Josephine Nobisso
  • The Princess and the Kiss, by Jennie Bishop
  • Angel in the Waters, by Regina Doman

More Recommended Reading

  • Abortion: Yes or No? by John L. Grady, M.D.
  • Changed ~ Making Sense of Your Own or a Loved One's Abortion Experience, by Michaelene Fredenburg
  • Ending Abortion Not Just Fighting It, by Fr. Frank A. Pavone, M.E.V.
  • Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), by Pope John Paul II
  • God Is Love, An Encyclical Letter of Pope Benedict XVI
  • Humane Vitae: A Challenge to Love, by Pope Paul VI
  • Is the Fetus Human? by Eric Pastuszek
  • Led by Faith, by Immaculee Ilibigiza
  • Left to Tell, by Immaculee Ilibigiza
  • Living the Gospel of Life ~ the pastoral statement issued by U.S. Catholic Bishops
  • Noise, by Teresa Tomeo
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe, Hope for the World by Dan Lynch
  • Render Unto Caesar, by Charles J. Chaput
  • The Way to Love, by Anthony De Mello
  • Won By Love, by Norma McCorvey

Dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Patroness of the Americas, Intercessor for the Pre-born
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